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True Roots


Let's take you back to the roots and take charge of your health through holistic nutrition and lifestyle practices

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Why Holistic Nutrition?

Everyone is biochemically unique. Holistic nutrition evaluates the individual as a whole person; their complete health history, emotional state, current lifestyle and nutritional habits to determine the root cause of their health issues.


There is no one-size fits all approach that can be applied to everyone. I customize your approach to health and wellness by recommending what works for you and adapt to your likes and needs. It also means knowing when to reassess; what worked for you before may not work now.


My mission is to work collaboratively to simplify your life and achieve optimal health through whole foods and sustainable lifestyle practices. 


Book a FREE 15-minute discovery
call to determine if holistic nutrition coaching is right for you


Happy Clients

"Working with Arriane has opened my eyes to see that I had blindly accepted what was going on in my body as normal when it was not! I did not know that the symptoms that were presenting were part of a much bigger picture and that they were directly related to what I was eating. This realization set in motion a larger movement toward investing in my health and well-being, something I am so thankful for!


Arriane has had a long passion for healthy eating and living which you will see shine through in her commitment to help. She knows that doing this work is challenging at times, and it truly is a journey.


With guidance, time, patience, and doing the work, I am confident that I will be much better off, having gone through this journey with her as an ally. Whatever issues you are dealing with, just know that you can see an improvement by asking for help and committing to do the work."

Chalan, 36

"Words cannot explain how helpful and amazing Arriane has been. Her services have gone above and beyond what I was expecting. 


I spoke with Arriane initially about a few issues; weight loss, hot flashes, low iron, deep sleep, lack of energy and in general- better food choices for myself and my family. Not only am I feeling better physically but also emotionally and mentally since implementing Arriane's suggestions and recommendations. Implementing her menu and food items into my daily meals has been a journey of new flavours and new healthy food favourites.


Arriane is a phenomenal listener and immediately you know she is passionate about her work and truly cares about you and your health goals. She provides recipes and product ideas to keep your food choices fresh and inviting.


I am now more educated in regards to my food choices, cooking, and supplements than ever before. Arriane continues to keep in touch and work with me and is available for further questions or suggestions or to "tweak" anything. 


She is always open and considerate to my lifestyle and the obstacles I face. She has many appropriate meal ideas and is patient as I make the changes slowly, as this is not a diet for me, but a new eating lifestyle.


I am forever grateful for Arriane- she is an incredible, kind, smart, caring person that is obviously in the field of expertise- holistic nutrition. I plan to work with Arriane on a regular basis."

Heather, 49

Follow Me @trueroots_

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